“Ray Amos – 10-31-2024 – Holy Bible”
From October 31st, 2024

Rev. Ray and Pat Amos

I was a young man, but I can still hear a simple statement that my Grandmother made years ago. She had her favorite radio preachers, and I suspect she heard one of them say it. (It was probably about the time when there was controversy over what some called “the new Bible,” or translation.) She said, “They don’t even have ‘Holy Bible’ on the cover anymore.”

I realize that is not the major crisis of Christianity; yet I can’t ignore what she said way back then. Now, I’m wondering myself; not about words imprinted on leather, but our very heart. I still believe that the Bible is Holy, and that it alone is the final authority on all matters of faith and life.

One of the dangers of being a preacher is that if we are not careful the Bible becomes our tool box for the job that we do, and we can forget that it is our very Bread of Life. This is not just a preacher concern, but something that every believer and Christian home must be aware of. The Bible is not a reference book; it is the authority of God in our lives.

For many of us, our faith was formed and influenced by hard working calloused hands of people who lived decent and simple lives. They had little of this world’s wealth, yet had treasures untold where moth and rust could not corrupt. Troubles were met on bended knees with eyes looking up to a land beyond the river; their help came from the Lord.

The songs of those days expressed their faith: “I’m Using My Bible for a Roadmap,” and they really did. A beloved song said, “I can see us sittin’ round the table when from the family Bible dad would read, I can hear my mother softly singing rock of ages’ Rock of ages, rock of ages cleft for me.”

I know that we can’t go back; but I sure don’t want to go forward down a way that seems right to a modern world, but ends in destruction. The world is different with each generation; but it cannot run ahead of God’s Word without stumbling.

The Bible alone is a Lamp unto our feet; and it alone has an eternal source of power. Any other light will grow dim and join the darkness. Someday when all our foolishness has failed, perhaps we will humbly pick up a book as ancient as days, and will again with renewed interest read: “In the beginning God.”

I wonder.
Grace and Peace, Rev Ray

WRITTEN BY: A Devotional Friend

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